St. Petersburg Branch of
S.I. Vavilov Institute for the History of Science and Technology
of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Panel discussion in memory of
Eduard I. Kolchinsky
September 16, 2021, 11:00 a.m–6:00 p.m. (MSK)
Russia, St. Petersburg, Universitetskaya emb. 5
Conference Hall of SPbF IIET RAS
September 16, 2021 would have marked the 77th anniversary of the birth of the famous scholar, professor, Doctor of Philosophy Eduard Kolchinsky (1944–2020). He is well known for his numerous achievements in the history of science, the philosophy of natural science, and science studies. His contributions to the development of international scientific relations are appreciated by his colleagues around the world. E. I. Kolchinsky for many years studied the scientific biographies and legacies of N. I. Vavilov, V. I. Vernadsky, and of his own teacher, K. M. Zavadsky.
Over many decades Eduard Kolchinsky worked at the SPbF IIET RAS, where he made his way from a graduate student to the director of the St. Petersburg Branch of the Institute (1995–2015). For almost a quarter of a century, until the very end of his life, he also headed the institute’s Department of the History of Evolutionary Theory and Ecology. There, thanks to his efforts, the world-famous St. Petersburg school of historians of biology was formed. Eduard Kolchinsky was the founder and the first editor-in-chief of the journal Studies in the History of Biology.
He was also a member of many Russian and international scientific societies:
- Member of the International Academy of the History of Science (2019);
- Corresponding member of the International Georg-Wilhelm-Steller Society, Germany (since 2012);
- Corresponding member of the Serbian society for historians of science, Serbia (since 2011); Member of the Linnaean society of London, UK (since 2010);
- Member of the History of Science Society, USA (1995);
- A member of the Saint Petersburg (Leningrad) Society of Naturalists (1989).
- K. E. von Baer Medal of the Estonian Academy of Sciences (1992);
- Medal for the Order of Merit for the Fatherland, II degree (1999); Order of Friendship (2006);
- Grand Literary Award «The best book in the Humanities» for Annals of the Russian Academy of Sciences, vol. 4 (2007);
- National Award «The Best Books and Publishing houses of the Year» for the Complete Works of M. V. Lomonosov in 10 volumes (2011);
- Honorary Badge «For contribution to the History of Science and Technology» by IIET RAS (2012);
- E. V. Tarle Prize in the field of Historical Sciences of the Government of St. Petersburg and the St. Petersburg Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences (2013).
The incredible variety of Eduard Kolchinsky’s scholarly legacy amounts to more than 300 articles and 10 monographs. They cover a wide range of problems in the history of biology,such as evolutionary theory, neo-Lysenkoism, and science studies in the era of social crises.
The presentations of the participants of the round table will reflect the milestones of Eduard Kolchinsky’s scholarly life and the aspects of science that he worked on. During the round table meeting, colleagues, friends, and family members will offer memories of Eduard Kolchinsky.
A virtual exhibition dedicated to E. I. Kolchinsky timed to the event. There will also be a presentation of his latest monograph, The Self—Organization of Russian Science in the Years of Crisis: 1917—1922, written jointly with E. F. Sinelnikova.